Understanding the Zend Framework Basix

What is the Zend Framework, exactly? The Zend Framework:
  • Is based on PHP
  • Is object-oriented
  • Uses the MVC paradigm
  • Has open source contributors
  • Has contributors who take responsibility for the fact that their code is not the intellectual property of someone else
It also aims to make your programming life easier, not just in general by instituting the MVC pattern, but also for specific things you tend to do all the time, like access databases or output to a PDF file.

Zend Framework components include:
This module provides the overall control for the application. It translates requests into specific actions and makes sure they get executed.
This is based on PHP Data Objects (PDO) and provides access to databases in a generic way.
This makes it easy to consume RSS and Atom feeds.
This provides string-filtering functions, such as isEmail() and getAlpha().
To Zend_Filter, this is designed to work with arrays such as form inputs.
This enables you perform HTTP requests easily.
This enables you to easily translate PHP objects into JavaScript Object Notation, and vice-versa.
This provides general-purpose logging functionality.
This enables you to send text and multipart MIME email.
This is used by Zend_Mail to help decode MIME messages.
This enables you to create new PDF documents, and load and edit existing PDF documents.
This enables you to perform sophisticated searches on your own text. For example, you can build a search engine that returns results based on relevancy or other factors.
Contains several submodules that provide easy access to many popular web service APIs, such as those provided by Amazon, Yahoo, Twitter, and Flicker.
This handles the view portion of the MVC pattern.
This enables you to easily create an XML-RPC server and client.

.htaccess redirect url example

If I want to direct the non-www version of whhsupport.com to the www version I would place the following code into my .htaccess file:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^whhsupport.com
RewriteRule (.*) http://www.whhsupport.com/$1 [R=301,L]

Conversely, if I want to direct the www version of whhsupport.com to the non-www version, I would enter the following code into my .htaccess file:
RewriteEngine on
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.whhsupport\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://whhsupport.com/$1 [R=301,L]